Queen's Spa Night
A time of fellowship, food, and a mani or pedi (Gel or polish) with good friends, Moms and daughters. Cost:$20
When: Every 1st Tuesday of the Month
Time: 6 pm
Where: Queen of Hearts Nail Salon, 1254 Paredes Line Rd Brownsville.
Leader: Laura Tamayo
Co-Leader: Haley Tamayo
email: ltamayo66@gmail.com
Phone: (956) 640-0944
No Childcare Available
Everyday Moms is a place where you can connect with other moms, find friendship, support and growth for any stage you might be in.
"Tengamos una cita" es un grupo para parejas, con el propósito de conectarse con Su pareja, ir a cenar, pasar un buen tiempo, y crear amistades con otras parejas de GSCC.