This will be a time to pray as a group for the needs of our Pastors, Church, friends and families who walk through our church doors. every Sunday. The power of prayer is increased when 2 or more gather in The Father's Name.
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Find a group for you!
This will be a time to pray as a group for the needs of our Pastors, Church, friends and families who walk through our church doors. every Sunday. The power of prayer is increased when 2 or more gather in The Father's Name.
Eres Bienvenido (a) a unirte a este grupo para fortalecernos a través del estudio de la Palabra de Dios y la Oración, en un mismo sentir. "Hagan todo lo posible por mantenerse unidos en el Espíritu y enlazados mediante la paz." Efesios 4:3
Este grupo está dirigido a Niños entre 8-11 años y adolescentes de 12 a 15.
Not What I Signed Up For
Life can throw us off kilter. Maybe you've found yourself in a season that you never would have expected. Join us as we study together the life of Joseph - a man who lived an unexpected life and trusted God through it all. Grow in understanding God's faithfulness even through your trials, know his love right in the middle of your suffering, and stand firm on his trust even when things remain paralyzing and uncertain.
In this group, the hope is for us to grow in our faith, grow closer to God and form friendships
"Tengamos una cita" es un grupo para parejas, con el propósito de conectarse con Su pareja, ir a cenar, pasar un buen tiempo, y crear amistades con otras parejas de GSCC.
Group of men gathered to fish and learn more about God
Trying harder doesn't work to stop porn addiction.
The fight against pornography can hold men back from living the life God intended for them.The Conquer Series explains how to overcome it. To Renew & Transform the Mind. God's refining process can be painful and doesn't happen overnight. Transform the Heart. God wants to transform us into the image of His Son through the truth and power of His word.
Cost Subscription: $ 49.00 monthly or $468.00 yearly
Conquer Series Journal $20.00 (Recommended)
The gathering of men, were we can share the word of God, BBQ techniques and recipes.
Leading a connect group is a powerful way to grow in your faith while making a meaningful impact in the lives of others. Connect groups are designed to help us connect with God, connect with each other, and connect with those who are separated from God. By leading a group, you create a space where people can grow deeper in their relationship with God through prayer, Bible study, and meaningful conversations. You also foster authentic relationships that build community and strengthen our bond as the body of Christ. Furthermore, connect groups serve as a bridge to reach those who are far from God, offering them a welcoming place to encounter His love and grace. You don’t need to have all the answers—just a willing heart to serve and see how God can use you to make an eternal impact. Step out in faith and lead the way to connection!