This group focuses on becoming men who are built by God.
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This group focuses on becoming men who are built by God.
Enriquecimiento Matrimonial. Grupo limitado a 4 parejas. Costo por pareja $40..
To rebuild, encourage, and edify our faith; when circumstances tell us different.
Marriage Enrichment. This group is limited to 4 couples. The cost per Couple is $40.00.
Este grupo tiene el propósito de recorrer calles, hospitales, asilos etc, dar las buenas nuevas de salvación y también ayudar en diversas necesidades.
El propósito es ser fortalecidas en nuestra relación con Dios y con otras hermanas en Cristo. Es apoyarnos mutuamente a través de la unidad y oración. El grupo es mas de convivencia y lectura de oraciones bíblicas para meditar en ellas y animarnos en el Señor
Combining faith and fitness with a daily Bible verse discussion and prayer followed by a nice run/walk while praising Jesus. Ladies come join us in prayer, fitness, and fun!
Our focus is to show the men from Reality Half Way House God's love and forgiveness. We will pick them up from Reality House, bring them to Coastal's office, and sit around a coffee table where we will dig into the Bible to discover Father God's deep love and forgiveness even for those who feel they have done the unforgivable. The goal is to help them turn their hearts to God and to their families as they assimilate back into society from incarceration.
Let's share a meal and pray for our family, friends and community.
Leading a connect group is a powerful way to grow in your faith while making a meaningful impact in the lives of others. Connect groups are designed to help us connect with God, connect with each other, and connect with those who are separated from God. By leading a group, you create a space where people can grow deeper in their relationship with God through prayer, Bible study, and meaningful conversations. You also foster authentic relationships that build community and strengthen our bond as the body of Christ. Furthermore, connect groups serve as a bridge to reach those who are far from God, offering them a welcoming place to encounter His love and grace. You don’t need to have all the answers—just a willing heart to serve and see how God can use you to make an eternal impact. Step out in faith and lead the way to connection!