

El propósito es ser fortalecidas en nuestra relación con Dios y con otras hermanas en Cristo. Es apoyarnos mutuamente a través de la unidad y oración. El grupo es mas de convivencia y lectura de oraciones bíblicas para meditar en ellas y animarnos en el Señor

Cuando: Ultimo Miercoles del Mes

Hora: 6:30 pm

Donde: En diferentes Restaurantes, se les proporcionara información iniciando el mes, donde sera la reunion. - Brownsville, TX


LIder: Patricia Treviño

Co Lider: Linda Limon, Maria Myung

email: Patrevi04@gmail.com

Phone: (956) 351-0794

Cuidado de Niños: Si en  GSCC Kids Connect


Get your weight, health and life under control with a Christian based weight management program.

Required (Hard-Copy): The Food Meets Faith Handbook (One per Household). This handbook combines the powerful Word of God with Nutrition Wisdom to deliver remarkable results. It includes the perfect blend of delicious Meal Plans, Recipes, and Shopping Lists to ensure you enjoy your food while achieving successful weight loss.

Get your weight, health and life under control with a Christian based weight management program.

Required (Hard-Copy): The Food Meets Faith Handbook (One per Household). This handbook combines the powerful Word of God with Nutrition Wisdom to deliver remarkable results. It includes the perfect blend of delicious Meal Plans, Recipes, and Shopping Lists to ensure you enjoy your food while achieving successful weight loss.

Our purpose is to grow in our relationship with God and to build a loving and caring relationship with fellow Christian sisters.