

Our group is for women interested in crafting. It is a great time to use our God-given creativity and to form new friendships and deepen old ones.


We are currently studying the Book "God's Wisdom for Navigating Life" by Timothy Keller.


Our focus is to show the men from Reality Half Way House God's love and forgiveness. We will pick them up from Reality House, bring them to Coastal's office, and sit around a coffee table where we will dig into the Bible to discover Father God's deep love and forgiveness even for those who feel they have done the unforgivable. The goal is to help them turn their hearts to God and to their families as they assimilate back into society from incarceration.


Let's share a meal and pray for our family, friends and community.


The Lord, helps us live a life fueled by faith. Place Your God's word and promises over our eyes, so that We can see the ways that He delights in helping us! But to do that we have to access His word! We will gather to fuel our faith through the word!


The transition from high school to college can be extremely exciting and challenging at the same time. The Launch is a group designed to help recent high school graduates navigate all of the life changes they are facing. It's a place where college students gather to connect with each other, a place where they are strengthened and encouraged to continue growing in their faith.


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