

Starting Point is a four-week series of meetings designed to help you discover your part in God’s story and fulfill His call on your life. It’s about finding purpose and opportunities to grow right here at GSCC. Whether you’ve been at GSCC for a while or you’re just beginning to call it home, we invite you to join us for Starting Point. Learn, grow, and make some new friends along the way! Starting Point provides a great opportunity for you to build community.


Punto de partida es una serie de reuniones de cuatro semanas diseñadas para ayudarte a descubrir tu parte en la historia de Dios y cumplir Su llamado en tu vida. Se trata de encontrar un propósito y oportunidades para crecer aquí mismo en GSCC. Ya sea que haya estado en GSCC por un tiempo o recién esté comenzando a llamarlo hogar, lo invitamos a unirse a nosotros para Punto de partida.


¡Aprende, crece y haz nuevos amigos en el camino! Punto de partida ofrece una gran oportunidad para construir una comunidad.


El propósito de este grupo es dar una introducción a verdades fundamentales de nuestra fe en esperanza de desarrollar un hábito de estudio personal y pasión sobre nuestra fe.


Our group is for women interested in crafting. It is a great time to use our God-given creativity and to form new friendships and deepen old ones.


Come and join us for a time of fellowship as we get lunch at the food court and eat together.


The Lord, helps us live a life fueled by faith. Place Your God's word and promises over our eyes, so that We can see the ways that He delights in helping us! But to do that we have to access His word! We will gather to fuel our faith through the word!


Find specific information just for you on our New Here page