

Starting Point is a four-week series of meetings designed to help you discover your part in God’s story and fulfill His call on your life. It’s about finding purpose and opportunities to grow right here at GSCC. Whether you’ve been at GSCC for a while or you’re just beginning to call it home, we invite you to join us for Starting Point. Learn, grow, and make some new friends along the way! Starting Point provides a great opportunity for you to build community.


This will be a time to pray as a group for the needs of our Pastors, Church, friends and families who walk through our church doors. every Sunday. The power of prayer is increased when 2 or more gather in The Father's Name.


While we make cards and other crafts, we make new friends and deepen old friendships.


We are currently studying the Book "God's Wisdom for Navigating Life" by Timothy Keller.


The mind is a constant battlefield and negative thoughts often bring war to our peaceful state of mind as Satan sends his relentless attacks. From this study you can 1) gain control over your mind and find freedom and peace, 2) overcome your mental "wilderness" - the bad attitudes and excuses people use to keep them from God, and finally, 3) arm yourself with the Word of God, praise, prayer, and other spiritual weapons as we learn to change our thinking and choose our thoughts to be in line with God's word.


El propósito del grupo es proveer a los miembros con 12 principios esenciales para el desarrollo de la vida cristiana. Son 12 herramientas que nos ayudaran acercarnos más a Dios, fortalecer nuestra fe y ser luz.


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