Adult Groups/Grupos de Adultos


Starting Point is a four-week series of meetings designed to help you discover your part in God’s story and fulfill His call on your life. It’s about finding purpose and opportunities to grow right here at GSCC. Whether you’ve been at GSCC for a while or you’re just beginning to call it home, we invite you to join us for Starting Point. Learn, grow, and make some new friends along the way! Starting Point provides a great opportunity for you to build community.


Prayer for Families, Those connected to God and those separated from God.


Get your weight, health and life under control with a Christian based weight management program.

Required (Hard-Copy): The Food Meets Faith Handbook (One per Household). This handbook combines the powerful Word of God with Nutrition Wisdom to deliver remarkable results. It includes the perfect blend of delicious Meal Plans, Recipes, and Shopping Lists to ensure you enjoy your food while achieving successful weight loss.


Writing and working on worship songs. Need writers, musicians, singers and engineers.


This group is about presenting the basic truths of the Christian faith in a simple, systematic, and life-changing way. We want to look at and learn what God has said about Himself, His Word and us.


La Obediencia es la mejor manera de agradar a Dios de acuerdo a su palabra. Por medio de la obediencia de Cristo tenemos acceso a la salvacion. En obediencia a sus mandatos podemos agradarlo, recibir promesas, bendiciones y protección de Dios. En las sesiones conocerás como verdaderamente llevar una vida de obediencia a Dios y como esto te abrirá puertas y te llevara al lugar que Dios tiene para ti.


¡Aprende, crece y haz nuevos amigos en el camino! Punto de partida ofrece una gran oportunidad para construir una comunidad.


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