

"Descubrir cómo Dios nos llama a encontrar propósito al atender las necesidades de otros, tal como Nehemías lo hizo al interceder por el pueblo de Israel. Exploraremos cómo el amor y la compasión son esenciales para la reconstrucción, no solo de muros físicos, sino también de vidas, relaciones y comunidades, permitiendo que Dios nos use en las posiciones donde Él nos ha colocado para Su gloria."Cuando: Miércoles cada 2 semanas

When: Miercoles una vez al Mes

Time: 6:30 pm

Where: 2749 Mayorca St. Brownsville, Tx. 78520


Leader: Absalon & Martha Castellanos


Phone: (956)435-5392

Child Care Provided: Si en GSCC Kids Connect


Get your weight, health and life under control with a Christian based weight management program.

Required (Hard-Copy): The Food Meets Faith Handbook (One per Household). This handbook combines the powerful Word of God with Nutrition Wisdom to deliver remarkable results. It includes the perfect blend of delicious Meal Plans, Recipes, and Shopping Lists to ensure you enjoy your food while achieving successful weight loss.

Get your weight, health and life under control with a Christian based weight management program.

Required (Hard-Copy): The Food Meets Faith Handbook (One per Household). This handbook combines the powerful Word of God with Nutrition Wisdom to deliver remarkable results. It includes the perfect blend of delicious Meal Plans, Recipes, and Shopping Lists to ensure you enjoy your food while achieving successful weight loss.

Our purpose is to grow in our relationship with God and to build a loving and caring relationship with fellow Christian sisters.