Girls with Swords

Girls with Swords

Lyrics of Life: A Psalm for Every Situation

We sometimes feel like we need to curate our emotions when we talk to God. But God wants us to come to him honestly, no matter what we are feeling or going    through. Join us as we learn to find comfort in any situation we may find   ourselves in during this season of our lives. This women's group bible study will be based out of the book of Psalms.

When: Saturday once a month

Time: 9:00 am

Where:  4326 Water Edge, Harlingen, TX


Leader: Vanessa Sanchez

Co-Leader: Blanca Estrada


Phone:  (956) 571-5912

No Childcare provided


Nothing else fuels our growth like personally engaging with the Bible. Discover How to engage in your own personal devotions. Get practical tools and easy use methods on personal Bible Study. Discover the Golden Rule of how to interpret the BIble. Ignite a new passion for the Bible and its power to bring about change in your life.

Come and join us for a time of fellowship as we get lunch at the food court and eat together.

Share the word of God through godly men fellowship and sharing bbq recipes and grilling techniques.