Elevando Una Oración

Elevando Una Oración

Mujeres Unidas en Fe, Creyendo, Orando y bendiciendo: las Familias, los Hijos y la Nación. La respuesta a cada problema que enfrentamos esta en la Oración. respaldando cada peticiones con sus promesas , 1 Juan 5:14-15

Cuando: Lunes y Jueves 

Hora: 7:30 pm

Donde: Virtual Video llamada WhatsApp 


Líder: Julia Flores

Co Líder: Lupita Vasquez

correo electronico: julia.flores956@gmail.com

Telefono: (956) 789-2579



Get your weight, health and life under control with a Christian based weight management program.

Required (Hard-Copy): The Food Meets Faith Handbook (One per Household). This handbook combines the powerful Word of God with Nutrition Wisdom to deliver remarkable results. It includes the perfect blend of delicious Meal Plans, Recipes, and Shopping Lists to ensure you enjoy your food while achieving successful weight loss.

Get your weight, health and life under control with a Christian based weight management program.

Required (Hard-Copy): The Food Meets Faith Handbook (One per Household). This handbook combines the powerful Word of God with Nutrition Wisdom to deliver remarkable results. It includes the perfect blend of delicious Meal Plans, Recipes, and Shopping Lists to ensure you enjoy your food while achieving successful weight loss.

Our purpose is to grow in our relationship with God and to build a loving and caring relationship with fellow Christian sisters.